Safety in vertical transportation
"We use elevators and escalators every day during our daily activities. They are transportation equipment like cars, buses, metros. There are inspection regimes in many countries throughout the world, but accidents still happen. Are these inspections effective enough? What are the reasons for accidents? How can elevators and escalators safety be improved? Please come and listen to experts from all over the world and find new discussions about safety."
New Technologies
"Elevators still move in a vertical shaft, just like they did when they were invented many years ago. However, global elevator companies are among the most innovative organizations in the world today, and their new inventions prove it. Programmable electronic systems are now used to create safety systems for elevators. New materials are being used in vertical transportation technology. Elevators are now beginning to move in a horizontal direction. To explore new developments in the elevator and escalator market, visit our symposium."
Codes and standards
"The codes and standards offer manufacturers possibilities for standardization in production, and space for investment in development and innovation. The basis of the world’s standards come from Europe, America and Japan. Today, committees are coming together to harmonize these different standards to create one universal code. One of the important subject during the symposium will be codes and standards."
Traffic Analysis
"Have you ever counted how many seconds or minutes you wait for an elevator and how much time you spend in it? We wait for elevator throughout the day, from the time we leave home in the morning until we arrive home in the evening. What should the waiting time be for an elevator to arrive to the desired floor? And what should be the travel time in the elevator? We will talk all this during our symposium."
All elevators and escalators are maintained by maintenance companies. Maintenance periods vary from the monthly to once in every two months or quarterly in a year. There differently defined maintenance periods as well, like preventive maintenance, modular maintenance etc. The future of vertical transportation safety has effects on maintenance methods and approaches. We invite you to join us on 11, 12 December 2025 during IEES-2025 to discuss how the future will affect the maintenance and the safety of elevators and escalators.